The shirt has Jeffrey's elementary hand-print turkey on the back. The front has a patchwork heart with one missing piece symbolizing the absent yet present spirit of Kerri's middle son Jeffrey. It also symbolizes coming together and doing good, loving others in spite of tragedy.
Also, if you have not read the article in the Times and Record News, you should. All we can say is "Wow".
1 comment:
As are so many of you, I am saddened to learn of the passing of Munday's beloved "Mogul mom"; an amazing wife, mother, teacher, community activist, and Christian. One would think this family had gone through enough with Jeffrey's untimely auto accident this time last year, and his subsequent death, but now the sudden passing of his mom as well to a rare and relentless disease. In one short year, Mike-the loss of a son and a wife; Laurie, the loss of her husband; Brian and Steven, the loss of a brother and mother; Jeffrey's new daughter, who will never know her father or grandmother except through their memory captured in photos or in the memories of their loved ones; so many other family members and friends who will grieve their passing for a long time to come.In the midst of all of this human pain, however, is that beautifully worded comment I read earlier, how Kerri was greeted by " Jeffrey, Charles and all the loved ones who went before her." While our human arms close tightly around each other to comfort each other in our Earthly grief, Kerri's arms are flung open wide to receive joyously those whom she loved on this earth. She is truly in God and Jesus' Presence, I am sure, standing in "awe" as the song goes. My mind is flooded this morning with so many memories of not just Kerri but so many others for whom I would share the same sadness should I read tomorrow they too were gone. I am more acutely aware of how much I want to tell those people, while there is still time, that I do love them and PRAY we put ALL matters before the Lord. Deal with unforgiveness. Give something away. Find peace. Share. Go back to Kerri's classroom in your mind and try to remember what she taught those small children; become a child again, soft hearted and willing to listen to someone who loves you, be like the little boy who wrote how afraid he was to go to school, but Mrs. Urbanczyk took his fears away, and he wasn't scared anymore. What better Christian example is there on this earth? Find trust again. I pray peace and comfort to the Urbanczyk family and for the Munday community. May God be with you and Jesus' touch give you strength to bear this grief. Greta (Waldrip) Sherrill
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