Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tears from Heaven

Thunder shook my house early this morning. It was raining really hard, for a moment I thought "It rained on the day of Jeffrey's funeral... I wonder if Kerri is with him now?"

Later this morning, a phone call confirmed my suspicions...

Maybe they were raindrops with two messages. I'd like to imagine that they were heaven's tears of sadness for everyone who will miss her and tears of joy for those in heaven who are so happy to see her.

I imagine angels escorting her up into a bright and warm atmosphere of divine satisfaction-the kind that leaves no need or want for anything. I picture Jesus, her savior being first in line to welcome her. Standing near Him, I see a group of family and friends beaming with smiles and giggles holding up banners and cheering. The one in front, the tall, handsome golden boy takes his mother's hand...

In this fantasy-part-fact, I feel great comfort knowing that something like that or something infinitely better happened in the wee hours of this morning. I also know that the journey for the rest of us will be difficult. In fact, this is the beginning of the tough part.

I am afraid we will ache for a very long time.

For the family, we have a job. We must wrap them in prayer and hold them up. Follow them through hell and back, whatever it takes... This is the part where words fail... the going forth... Lord give them your comfort and strength.

Her friends and co-workers will ache just as well. To them, this feels like loosing close relative because Kerri made that kind of impact around here-she is part of what made us all feel so connected. To so many of us, she is not just another person who we have lost... it feels like our very heart has been ripped out.

And, Kerri if you can read these words, I want you to know how much I admire and respect you. I hope you know that I am one of your biggest fans. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my son's life. I notice the careful attention you spent with each kid and how you went above and beyond with the photos, hand-print pot holders, the turkey feather hats! You demonstrated love in so many ways to so many people for so many years!Thank you for everything.

With much love,
Kacy Latham